Graham Revitalization Economic Action Team

Minutes - May 26, 2011

Location and Sponsor:  Stecoah Valley Center, Catholic Social Services Office of Economic Opportunity



A.      Welcome:  Claudie Burchfield, Chairperson of the GREAT Board of Directors welcomed everyone, recognized sponsors, and gave those new to GREAT the opportunity to introduce themselves.

General Items


A.      Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting:  The minutes from the March 17, 2011 meeting were approved with a motion by Beverly Whitehead and second by Alicia Parham.


B.     Approval of the Agenda:  The agenda for the May 26, 2011 meeting was approved with a motion from Alicia Parham and a second by Beverly Whitehead.

Reports/Discussion Items


A.      Committee Reports


Ø      Economic Development, Business and Industry—Claudie Burchfield

Claudie Burchfield gave the group information about the Office of Economic Opportunity’s Financial Literacy Program and about their partnership with OnTrack Financial Counseling to provide the NC Foreclosure Prevention Program.  The Foreclosure Prevention Program offers 0% loans of up to $36,000 over 36 years.  It is also a forgiveness program, in which loans are forgiven if certain criteria are met by the borrowers.

      The Economic Development Committee will also be working with the Graham Star Newspaper to promote Stanley Furniture Company. Stanley Furniture Company has more than 400 employees from Graham County and the surrounding counties. Claudie spoke of the importance of promoting Stanley Furniture to sustain the local economy.

      Claudie also announced that Josh Carpenter was no longer working as the Graham County Planner and had taken a position as Director of Economic Development in Cherokee County.


Ø      Education and Workforce Development—Rhonda Anderson

The group was updated on the Dolly Parton Imagination Library.  Since July 1, 2010—DPIL had received $12,974.16 to fund this program. A fundraiser will be held at the Joyce Kilmer 75th anniversary celebration for the DPIL. Volunteers are needed to bake sweets and to work the booth.  Jim Mize gave an overview of the DPIL for those who were new to GREAT. He stated that enrollment was holding steady at 300 enrollees, but that the goal was 400 enrollees. He asked the group for suggestions on how to reach the 0-2 year old demographic.

Rick Parham’s construction class has the Mill Creek House. On open house was held on April 22nd and Rhonda invited everyone to drive by and look at the house if they were not able to attend the open house.

An application has been submitted to the Alcoa Foundation through GREAT to continue the STEM program through next school year, with more focus on classroom activities and less on travel.


Ø      Tourism and Mountain Culture—Dave Dobson

Dave Dobson gave an overview of this committees last meeting on the Eco-Tourism initiative. Eve Rogers provide the Tourism and Mountain Culture committee with a presentation on Eco-Tourism and what it would take to develop Eco-Tourism in Graham County. Lack of a recycling program in Graham County is an issue that the committee feels needs to be addressed for Eco-Tourism to come to fruition.  Dave visited the Macon County recycling program and learned that Macon County had $385,000 in revenue last year from recyclables and that the possibility. A subcommittee is being formed to pursue this issue. Dave passed around a sign-up sheet for those who wanted to serve on the recycling subcommittee.


Ø      Revitalization and Infrastructure—Brenda Artiss

Brenda spoke of a joint-ownership program that the Town of Robbinsville has in which an individual can renovate a building and pay taxes on the building to gain full ownership.

Brenda also stressed to the group that the Revitalization and Infrastructure Committee serves all of Graham County, not just the Town of Robbinsville. 

Rick Davis introduced several attendees that are working with GREAT to increase Broadband access in Graham County. A proposal has been submitted to ARC to assess Broadband feasibility in Graham County. The Graham County Economic Development Commission will be supporting this grant with matching funds.


Ø      Recreation, Natural Resources and Water Quality – Rick Davis

Rick Davis presented the group with a revised strategy sheet for the Recreation, Natural Resources, and Water Quality committee. This committee has been having conversations with the Little Tennessee watershed on the preservation of natural resources. A motion was made by Beverly Whitehead to accept the revisions to this committee’s strategies. The motion was seconded by Dave Artiss.

Rick gave a report on the Spring 2011 Clean Sweep. This spring, 86 bags of roadside litter were collected over a period of 2 weeks. Volunteers were recognized.

Jason Sawyer gave a report on Graham County Recreation activities, including a 400% increase in participation in the baseball/softball programs over the past 4 years. Soccer season is getting started and the county pool is open for the summer. Jason announced the availability of swimming lessons, hiring of a new swim coach for this season, and plans for “Flick and Float” which is a partnership between the Graham County Library and Graham County Pool to project movies over the pool and customers can float around the pool and watch the movie.


Ø      Leadership and Government—Rick Davis

This committee has submitted a grant proposal to the Office of Economic Opportunity to provide leadership training to 30 people in Graham County. The application has passed the 1st round of the selection process.


Ø      Health and Social—Alicia Parham

Alicia stated that the Health and Social Committee has two major focus areas, which are Access to Health Care and Family Fitness.  In Access to Health Care, the Graham County Health Department has received $87,000 in NC HealthNet funds for continuation of the Robbinsville School Based Health Center and Hilltop Health Care free clinic.  Hilltop Health Care has also secured a volunteer who will be managing the medication assistance program.

The spring geocaching/scavenger hunt event, Cache In on Fitness got off to a good start with approximately 100 people signing up. The challenge kicked off with a scavenger hunt highlighting physical activity/exercise opportunities in the Town of Robbinsville on one day, then expanded to include trails throughout the county in the following month. The challenge will wrap up on June 6th. 

The health department and Cooperative Extension will be partnering with Graham County Schools on a school gardening project this summer at Kid’s Castle summer camp.  A proposal for $300 will be submitted to Graham County Farm Bureau on June 2nd for assistance with this project.

This committee is also partnering with the Cooperative Extension to support the 10% buy local campaign. Alicia spoke briefly about this initiative and Beverly Whitehead provided some more detailed information. Everyone was encouraged to spend 10% of their food budget to buy local produce and to enter that information on the website. Cooperative Extension is working to compile a list of local farmers for this.


B.      GREAT Financial Report—Rick Davis


Ø      Rick presented the financial report and stated that 90% of funding is restricted funds.


C.      County/Regional Updates


Ø      John Mitchell, Senator Richard Burr’s Office, presented some update to the group on improvements that have been made in WNC including a new Great Smoky Mountains welcome center, the grand opening of the WNC cattle market, an ARC grant for a wastewater treatment plant in Fontana, and the possibility of funding for a new wastewater treatment plant in Robbinsville.


Ø      Freddie Harrell, Senator Kay Hagan’s Office, spoke of the same accomplishments as above, especially emphasizing the value of the WNC cattle market for the local economy.


Ø      Michael Arriola, Small Business Administration, gave the group details of the Small Business Jobs Act signed in September 2010 and explained what it meant for local businesses. As of May, 2011, lending in WNC by the Small Business Administration has increased by $29 million from last year.


D.     Brian Rathbone, e-NC Authority


Ø      The e-NC Authority is a division of the NC Rural Center that established broadband planning teams. The group has been involved in Graham County for approximately 2 months. The goal of this group is to take advantage of the fiber optic cable in Graham County and get high-speed internet “the last mile” to the residents. Mr. Rathbone emphasized that need and demand determine what service providers do and encouraged everyone to make the need for broadband access known.


E.      Director’s Report—Rick Davis


Ø      Rick introduced Great Data representatives who will be collecting data on access to high speed internet. Residents who do not have internet access should call Leon at 321-5300 ext 103. Those who do have internet, but need higher-speed internet should complete a survey at


Ø      Rick recognized GREAT Board of Directors for their work in the organization.


Ø      Z. Smith Reynolds has funded a request for $30K for general support of GREAT.


Ø      The initial review of a grant proposal to Alcoa Foundation has made through the 1st round of reviews. The application is for $26,000 to continue the STEM project at Graham County Schools.



Ø      GREAT Meeting – July 21, 2011


Ø      e-NC meeting after GREAT meeting today


Ø      Chamber of Commerce is seeking new members


Ø      NC STEP meeting today at 5pm
