Graham Revitalization Economic Action Team

Minutes - March 15, 2011


Location and Sponsor:  Fontana Village



A.     Welcome:  Rick Davis, GREAT Director welcomed everyone and those new to GREAT introduced themselves.


B.      Call Meeting to Order:  Claudie Burchfield, GREAT Chairperson, called the meeting to order.


General Items

A.     Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting:  The minutes from the January 19, 2012 meeting were approved with a motion by Alicia Parham and second by Dave Dodson.

B.      Approval of the Agenda:  The agenda for the March 15, 2012 meeting was approved with a motion from Rhonda Anderson and a second by Brenda Artiss.


Reports/Discussion Items


A.     Committee Reports


Ø      Economic Development, Business and Industry—Paul Worley

Paul Worley reported on the work of the Economic Development Commission, including work with GREAT and with Stanley Furniture Company and Adams Lumber Company to expand the capacity of local businesses. Paul also reported on the upcoming addition of Bojangle’s to the local community, which should add 20-25 jobs.


Ø      Education and Workforce Development—Rhonda Anderson

The Dolly Parton Imagination Library reported 10-12 new enrollees for 2012, bring total service numbers to 502 with approximately 330 current students and 150 graduates. The Education Committee will be submitting an RFP to Alcoa Foundation for continuation of STEM funding for grades 7-12. In cultural education, Carlotta Santana has been teaching Flamenco dancing to elementary students and the 5th grade will be performing on Friday, 3/16/12 at 1pm in the elementary auditorium.  The Education Committee will also be submitting a proposal to KBR Charitable Trust to provide alcohol, tobacco and life skills education. A new safe and drug free school coalition has been formed and meets @ the school on 3/19/12 at noon.


Ø      Tourism and Mountain Culture—Rick Davis

Announcements were made regarding Hill Climb events to be held June 22-23 and August 12. NCSTEP was awarded $100,000 for implementation of plans, and the Cheoah River will have an extra release date on September 2 this year to host the 2012 World Cup Event.


Ø      Revitalization and Infrastructure—Brenda Artiss

The group was given handouts on the Master Planning Opinion Workshops to be held in May.  Brenda explained these workshops and discussed the Charrette design process for the Town of Robbinsville.


Ø      Recreation, Natural Resources and Water Quality – Joe Bonnette

Joe informed the group that the last subcommittee meeting had 29 participants.  The primary issue discussed was water quality in Lake Santeetlah.  The Wildlife Division of Water Quality biologist will be in the county on April 10th to review data regarding aquatic plant life, which may result in a project needing volunteers.  The Appalachian Trail Community representatives of the Smoky Mountain Hiking Club will present at the April 10th meeting as a follow up to the February meeting regarding possible Town of Robbinsville, Graham County, and Town of Fontana participation in becoming an Appalachian Trail community. The Partners of Joyce Kilmer will be meeting on May 12 to discuss upcoming projects and grants and Joe announced the opportunity for 1-2 Wilderness Ranger positions for the summer and fall in the Slickrock Wilderness.  The Town of Robbinsville, Fontana, Santeetlah, and Graham County have submitted $62,000 in grant proposals for recycling efforts.  Lisa Russo asked for volunteers for Clean Sweep the week o f 4/28/12 and Joe announce a volunteer Slickrock Trail workday this Saturday.


Ø      Leadership and Government—Mike Harwood

Mike announces that Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace classes will be offered at RHS, sponsored by Graham Help Foundation. He reminded the group of the 3rd leadership training opportunity coming up, and introduced the youth leadership group. Elizabeth Cabe spoke for the youth leadership group and announced that they are seeking mentors between the ages of 18 and 30.


Ø      Health and Social—Alicia Parham

Alicia announced that the School health Center has received grant funding to continue operation for the next 3 years and was able to reinstate nutrition and mental health services as previously offered.  She also gave an update on the free clinic and on recreation pursuits of the Health and Social Committee.


B.       GREAT Financial Report—Pam Shaffer


Ø      Pam Shaffer presented the financial report.


C.     County Updates


Ø      Mike Edwards provided county updates, speaking of several businesses that have approached the county such as BMW, VW, and Tier 3 Parts Production, pursuing the prospect of housing the companies here. He also spoke about Corridor K, the CDBG grant, Fort Hill projects, recycling efforts, the new county manager, PILT funding, and the Sharon Edmondson award for excellence in accounting received by Becky Garland, County Finance Director.

Ø      Jessica Cooper provided updated on the Town of Lake Fontana.

Ø      The Graham County Chamber of Commerce encouraged those present to visit the new website and the new physical location at Mountain Motors.


D.      Regional Updates


Ø      Sandy Zimmerman provided updates from Congressman Shuler’s office.

Ø      John Mitchell provided updates from Senator Burr’s office.

Ø      Jennifer Hogsed of the NC Department of Commerce presented information on the CDBG grant and an inventory of buildings/possible businesses interested in Graham County.

Ø      Kristy Newman of the Alcoa Foundation spoke of the focus of the Alcoa Foundation on Education and Environment.

Ø      Fred Barringer provided updated on the SBT and opportunities for 2012, including a reverse trade show.


Guest Speaker


Edward Schwartzman, Inventory Biologist with the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program gave a presentation at the beginning of the meeting. He provided and overview of the program and described its mission.  He explained what an Inventory Biologist does, spoke about some of the interesting species that make Graham County a Natural Heritage Area, and provided his contact information for anyone interested in the program.



Director’s Report—Rick Davis

Rick provided a handout with the annual meeting issues final ranking. After the Board of Director’s met, the GREAT 2012 Focus Areas include:

Ø      Increased High Speed Internet/DSL Access

Ø      Food security/healthy eating

Ø      Student involvement

Ø      Recreation/hiking/biking trails

Ø      Buying local

Other announcements included:

Ø      Leadership Training Project Session III – Rural Entrepreneurship, April 5, 2010, Stecoah Valley Center

Ø      Next GREAT meeting May 24, 2012, Stecoah Valley Center




Graham county is a place where traditional Appalachian culture lives, people flourish and businesses thrive and prosper.