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This booklet is only a brief survey of some of the major forces and steps that have made the County of Graham what it is today. No attempt has been made to write a definitive history of the county. Such a history would take years to complete and would include among other things, a more generous treatment of the genealogy of the early families. Every resident of Graham County can say with the Psalmist of old, "Yes, we have a goodly heritage." We return to the past to reminisce with pleasure but not to linger there. Our heritage is yet in the making and may we profit from the experiences of the past.
We attempt not to justify that which may have been included or omitted. We have chosen those historical events, personalities, and even early folklore that would seem to be representative of the large body of historical data. Where roots go deeply into the past, it is sometimes hard to guarantee that everything about an article is true. We ask that allowances be made for errors or omissions.
We are indebted to many in the gathering of data for this publication. First and foremost we are indebted to the late Belle Slaughter whose valuable historical collection has been made available to us. We further express our thanks to the following: John Veach for writing the history of Bemis Lumber Company, and Graham County Railroad; Doyle Brock for pictures and information of lumbering industries; William L. Nothstein for writing history of the Forest Service and early logging in the county; Robert B. Barker for information on Civil War; Hildred Millsaps in research of history of Robbinsville First Baptist; Mrs. Ruth Elliott for the Fontana Story; James Barrett for Tapoco history; Joyce Jenkins and Howard Edwards in developing data pertaining to Stecoah and Tuskeegee; J. D. Carver for photography; John and Mary Howell for all illustrations; and to Annette Stratton Edwards and Voyce C. Lovin for hours and hours of typing of the manuscript.
It would be impossible to give credit to all who have contributed pictures, information, or support in this effort; it was truly a county effort. To all we express our deep appreciation.
![]() Leonard Lloyd, Centennial President |
![]() Colonel Harry Hancock, Centennial Coordinator
![]() Booth Crisp, Jr., Centennial Sheriff |
![]() Jack Lovin, Historian
![]() Marion Ingram, Assistant Historian
![]() Mary Howell, Illustrator |
![]() John Howell, Co-Illustrator |
Main Street |
Robbinsville, North Carolina |
April 3, 1972 |
O. W. Hooper, Jr. |
Harry Hancock, Jr. |
Booth Crisp, Jr. |
Leonard W. Lloyd |
O. W. Hooper, Jr. (Advisory Board Member) |
Harry Hancock, Jr. (Advisory Board Member) |
Booth Crisp, Jr. (Advisory Board Member) |
Leonard W. Lloyd, President |
O. W. Hooper, Jr., Vice President |
Mrs. Ann Rogers, Secretary |
Mrs. Willa Mae Ayers | Jesse Ralph Jenkins |
Mrs. James Barrett | Mrs. Wallace Jenkins |
James Barrett | Mrs. Ralph Jenkins |
Wayne Carringer | Roy Jones |
Booth Crisp, Jr. | Ted Jordan |
Lowell Crisp | Ned Long |
Ralph Crisp | Floyd Millsaps |
Mrs. Shirley Crisp | Mayor W. L. Prince |
Howard Edwards | Mrs. Buddy Rogers |
R. W. Elliott | George Sheffey |
Mrs. Genevieve Fowler | Richard Stewart |
J. C. Garland | Mose Wachacha |
Harry Hancock, Jr. | Modeal Walsh |
Mrs. Marion Ingram | Neal Webster |
Clarence Jackson |
Executive Committee |
Leonard W. Lloyd, Chairman |
J. C. Garland, Co-Chairman |
Ann Rogers, Secretary |
O. W. Hooper, Jr., Treasurer, Chairman, Revenue Division |
O. W. Hooper, Jr., Chairman, Revenue Division |
Graham Denton, Chairman, Publicity |
Betty Jackson, Chairman, Snowbird Publicity Committee |
Mrs. Marion Ingram, Chairman, Historical Program |
George Teesateskie, Jr., Chairman, Indian Historical Committee |
Jack Lovin, Historian |
R. W. Elliott, Chairman, Dress Division |
Mrs. Betty Phillips, Vice-Chairman, Dress Division |
Lois Calonahuskie, Chairman, Snowbird Indian Dress Committee |
Ralph Crisp, Chairman, Special Events Division |
Tom Teesateskie, Chairman, Snowbird Special Events Committee |
Mrs. Rebecca Harless, Snowbird Indian Representative |
Jesse Ralph Jenkins, Chairman, Parade Committee |
Londa Harless, Chairman, Indian Parade Committee |
Donald Gregory, Chairman, Dance Committee |
Ute Jumper, Jr., Chairman, Indian Dance Committee |
Mrs. Maxine Williams, Chairman, Heritage Committee |
Mark Wachacha, Chairman, Indian Heritage Committee |
Mayor W. L. Prince, & Booth Crisp, Jr., Co-Chairmen, Brothers of the Brush Committee |
Mrs. Willa Mae Ayers, Co-Chairman, Graham County Mountain Belles - Stecoah |
Mrs. Shirley Crisp, Co-Chairman, Graham County Mountain Belles - Stecoah |
Howard Edwards, Chairman, Research Centennial Group in the School & Church |
Neal Webster, Traffic Control Officer |
Mrs. Betty Phillips, Co-Chairman Decorating Committee |
Mrs. Booth Crisp, Jr., Co-Chairman Decorating Committee |
O. W. Hooper, Jr., Co-Chairman of VIP Committee |
William F. Murphy, Co-Chairman of VIP Committee |
Mrs. Brenda Millsaps, Co-Chairman, Youth Group Committee |
Gene McMonigle, Co-Chairman, Youth Group Committee |
Harry Hancock, Jr., Coordinator |
Wayne Carringer, Chairman, Veterans Committee |
Registration of Guests (Centennial Headquarters Staff) |
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony (O. W. Hooper, Jr.) |
VIP Luncheon (O. W. Hooper, Jr.) |
VIP Tour of Heritage Museum (O. W. Hooper, Jr.) |
Opening Night Ceremony |
LADIES DAY (American Legion Auxiliary) |
Registration of Guests (Centennial Headquarters Staff) |
Cake Baking Contest (Sandra Roberts) |
Fashion Show (Ann Rogers, & Betty Phillips) |
Charleston Contest (American Legion Auxiliary) |
Bathing Beauty Contest (American Legion Auxiliary) |
Registration of Guests and Senior Citizens (Girl Scouts) |
Old time pickin' and singin' & awards for oldest citizen (Girl Scouts) |
Luncheon for Senior Citizens (Girl Scouts) |
Special Tour for Senior Citizens of Heritage Museum (Girl Scouts) |
BROTHERHOOD DAY (Robbinsville Lions Club) |
Registration of Guests (HQ.) |
Horse Pulling Contest (Warner Deyton) |
Hog Calling Contest (Ed Ingram) |
Corn Shucking & Shelling Contest (R. Norton) |
Chain Saw Contest (Arvil Adams) |
Wood Chopping Contest (Arvil Adams) |
Crosscut Saw Contest (Arvil Adams) |
Stake Splitting Contest (Squeak Jordan) |
Rock Lifting Contest (Jack Millsaps) |
Horse Shoe Contest (Arnold Allen) |
Talent Show (American Legion Auxiliary) |
RELIGIOUS HERITAGE DAY (Cheoah Baptist Association) |
Centennial Services in each church (Cheoah Baptist Association) |
County Wide Picnic (Graham Co. Rescue Squad) |
County Wide Religious Service (Cheoah Baptist Association) |
Gospel Singing (Cheoah Baptist Association) |
YOUTH DAY (Stecoah Rescue Squad) |
Registration of Guests (Headquarters) |
Sack Race (Gary Stepp & Lowell Crisp) |
Wheelbarrow Race (Eddie Brooms) |
Greased Pole (Graham Co. Rescue Squad) |
Punt & Passing Football (Bobby Colvin) |
Indian Stick Ball Game |
Teen Dance (Carol Collins,& Jan Pangle) |
FRONTIER DAY (American Legion) |
Registration of Guests (HQ.) |
Parade (Ralph Jenkins) |
Hog Rifle Demonstration (Judge Leatherwood & family) |
Centennial Queen (Rainbow Girls) |
Beard Judging (Barbers) |
Buck Dancing Contest (Don Gregory) |
Old Timey Square Dance (J.C. Garland & Don Gregory) |
Cherokee Indian Heritage Event (Mark Wachacha) |
Graham Co. Heritage Event (Agayah Club) |
Pageant (Mary Ellen Maxwell) |