Gordon Moore
Gordon Moore was born in Ontario, Canada in 1875. By 1894 Moore was a law student in Port Huron, Michigan and
by 1902 he was a practicing attorney in Port Huron and later in St. Clair,
Michigan, married with one child. He was also known as a businessman,
socialite, and sportsman, as well as an agent for the Whiting
Manufacturing Company. In
1908 the Great Smoky Mountain Land and Timber Company sold an expansive
tract of land in the Snowbird area to the Whiting Company.
This heavily forested land tract was to be logged by Whiting, but
the company agreed to lease to Moore 1600 acres to establish a European
style shooting preserve for the entertainment of wealthy clients and
friends. Moore selected for his location a remote section of the Snowbird
near Hooper Bald in proximity of Haw Knob, Stratton Meadows, Laurel Top,
and Swan Meadows. English investors funded the project.
thereafter a clubhouse was constructed of logs, 90 feet long and 40 feet
wide, which contained 10 bedrooms, two baths, a kitchen, and dining room.
The lobby was 45 x 20 feet. There was a lower house that served as the
caretaker's home - a four-room cabin with a porch all the way around. A local, Cotton McGuire, was hired as caretaker of the
preserve. Surrounding the
lodge and caretaker’s home, huge enclosures for the animals were also
constructed. There was even a
telephone line strung all the way up the mountain to the lodge from
Marble, NC.
1912 the various game animals started to arrive at Hooper Bald, including
eight buffalo, fourteen young wild boar, fourteen elk, six Colorado mule
deer, and thirty-four bears including nine huge Russian brown bears. Two
hundred wild turkeys and ten thousand eggs of the English ring-necked
pheasant were brought in. Additional turkeys were purchased by Moore and
scattered about the mountain in an effort to get them started. Finally all
constituents of a modern sportsman's ark were present on the Bald.
the location proved to be too remote for the genteel Englishmen or anyone
else and Moore himself soon became disenchanted with the Hooper Bald
project. The venture was ill fated and by the mid 1920's only Cotton
McGuire, keeper of the preserve, remained on the mountain. Following the
final departure of Moore, McGuire was given the lease for the lodge and
caretaker’s house.
abandoning his Hooper Bald project, Moore, now divorced from his first
wife, moved to New York City and established himself as a brilliant lawyer
turned businessman who actually counseled President Woodrow Wilson,
through aides, on how best to deploy American forces in Europe.
He built a fortune with investments while maintaining the life of a
high-living bachelor; playing polo and hosting lavish parties. It is
during this time Moore made the acquaintance of author F. Scott
Fitzgerald. In April of 1925
Fitzgerald’s novel The
Great Gatsby was published. The
story is set on Long Island's North Shore and in New York City during the
summer of 1922, and there was much speculation that George Gordon
Moore was the inspiration for Fitzgerald’s Gatsby character.
with two additional children, and even though his first venture had
failed, Moore apparently still had a yearning to establish a successful
sportsman’s hunting preserve. A millionaire in his own right by the mid-1920’s, Moore
bought the 22,000-acre Rancho San Carlos while in Monterey, California
looking for a place to ride and hunt in his usual grand style. Moore built
miles of private roads into the mountains and erected a 37-room mansion.
The main room was 75 feet long, overlooking a sweeping polo field.
Paddocks for 80 ponies were provided, and famous polo teams came from all
over the country. Moore even
contacted his old friend Cotton McGuire and requested he capture several
wild boars from around Hooper Bald and ship them to his ranch in
California. In 1926 Moore received nine sows and three boars from McGuire,
and introduced Russian boar hunting to his guests in California.
his new California ranch, Moore entertained his guests and business
associates in a style far beyond what he may have once dreamed of at
Hooper Bald. No expense was spared for lavish entertainment including
extravagant parties that would include Hollywood starlets and in spite of
prohibition, alcohol. The roaring twenties were alive and well at Rancho
San Carlos.
1929, however, the stock market crash wiped away Moore's fortune. By 1939,
hard-pressed to satisfy his creditors, Moore was forced to sell the
California ranch. Little is
known about his life afterward. In May 1971 George Gordon Moore died in
Los Angeles, California at age 94.
Moore’s Rancho San Carlos is the Santa Lucia Preserve.
The 37-room Spanish Colonial Hacienda is now a private inn for
preserve members, families, and guests. The polo stable, beautifully
restored, borders a modern swimming pool complex. The hay barn is now a
gathering place with a dance floor and antique bar.
as in Graham County, Moore’s wild boar escaped his Rancho San Carlos and
still roam the state of California.
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